Training and Career Development

As Boyser Servis Hizmetleri A.Ş., we aim fill in all open and newly created positions primarily with our human resources, namely our employees.
With our Career Management System, we aim to evaluate our employees by focusing on their potential, performance, knowledge, skills and behaviors in line with our principles, and to raise our employees with their merit to upper-level positions based on the development of our employees.
  • General Talent Test
  • Job Fit + Persona Inventory or
    LEIT Leadership Emotional Intelligence Inventory
  • Principle-Based Interview
  • Case Analysis
  • Employee Interview (Role Play)
  • We apply several evaluation tools, such as a Specialty Project,
    according to the title to be promoted.
As Boyser Servis Hizmetleri A.Ş., we gather all our training and development activities under the umbrella of Erciyes Anadolu Academy. Within the scope of Erciyes Anadolu Academy, we create various online (e-learning) and in-class training programs, enabling our employees to improve themselves.
Erciyes Anadolu Academy is our digital training and development platform that enables our employees to learn continuously and directly affect their job performance. We enable our employees to take advantage of online (e-learning) trainings at whenever they want, wherever they want and with whichever tool they prefer.
Every year we organize in-class trainings, legal compulsory trainings and vocational trainings to support the development of our employees. We provide orientation trainings to our employees who are just starting out to work, where company introduction, processes and systems are explained to ensure that they can adapt to the job more easily. We are preparing Personal Development Plans for all our employees who have entered the promotion process, whether their appointment is approved or not. In accordance with these plans, we plan and implement a wide range of training and development activities for our employees: online trainings, articles, books, movies, etc.